DIY kiddie chore chart

Through my journey of mom-hood and quest for some kind of order, I have tried out tons of chore charts. I think they can serve as a great daily reminder for the whole family…when you remember to use them! <——- My chore chart oopsie!

I try to keep the chart basic and kid friendly by hanging them in a place where the kids can see what needs to be done, check off chores they have completed, and keep track of their weekly progress. I also keep the chores age appropriate. At the end of the week, we’ll tally up their points and they have a chance to earn an uber cool reward. I love the dry-erase feature because I don’t have to print out a new chart every week. Just erase and start again!

I made these charts a few months ago, and while they have worked just fine… I wanted to add a pop of color.

I found this great colorful giftbag at the dollar store, and thought it would be a fun background for our chore charts, and just the color pop I was looking for.

Thinking of making your own chore chart?

PROJECT: Chore Chart Re-vamp


Supplies Needed:
Frame (I used the Nyttja frame from Ikea that had a plastic insert)
Colorful giftbag, scrapbook paper, wrapping paper
chore chart (you can print the one I made… see below)
sand paper
Embellishments (optional)

1.Cut background paper to fit frame allowance.

2. Affix chore chart to background paper. I kept the daily chores pretty basic. Like taking care of their personal needs, picking up after themselves, and having a good attitude. You can print a copy of my chore chart and fill it in with chores for your child (see the end of this post for chart). I added an X on some days where chores aren’t needed. I printed two copies on contrasting paper for added color.

2. Add embellishments.You can totally skip this step, but I love to add a little sparkle!

3. Slip into a frame and hang! I love the worn look, so I used some sand paper to distress the corners a little.

Easy peasy, and a great way to help your kids (and yourself) stay organized in the new year!

If you need a chore chart, right click and save this one:
chore chart

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